Tasks endpoints

The Tasks group contains endpoints that enable you to create, retrieve, update and delete tasks in your Quantive Results account.

Gets all tasks in the current Quantive Results account.
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the Quantive Results account.
expected in header, sample value:
fieldsstringList of fields to be retrieved, separated by comas (,).
expected in query, sample value:
sortstringList of fields separated by comas (,). To invert a field's sort, you can prefix its name with a minus (-). For example, the following expression: sort=-name,dateCreated would return entities in reverse lexicographical order and then ordered by dateCreated.
expected in query, sample value:
filterstringThe format of the parameter is inspired by the MongoDB query format. For example, the following expression {name: {$in: ["sales", "marketing"]}} would return all the entities that have name either "sales" or "marketing". This expression {"name":{$regex:".*Sales.*"}} would return entities that contain "Sales" in their names.
expected in query, sample value:
{name: {$in: ["sales", "marketing"]}}
skipintegerHow many entities to be skipped when executing a GET query. By default skip value is 0.
expected in query, sample value:
limitintegerThe max number of entities that can be returned by the GET query. By default take value is 100.
expected in query, sample value:
formattingstringThe formatting used for the description and custom fields of type text area. By default returned as 'mentionsMarkup'. Ex: "@[John Smith:john.smith@okrs.tech:602a65efc05575000123291b]". Use 'plainText' if you need the response to be returned without markdown and special markup. Ex: "@John Smith"
expected in query, sample value:
Expected response codes
400bad request
402payment required
500internal server error

curl -X GET 'https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v2/tasks?fields=name,description&sort=-name,dateCreated&filter={name: {$in: ["sales", "marketing"]}}&skip=5&limit=10&formatting=plainText' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \

var settings = { "url": "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v2/tasks?fields=name,description&sort=-name,dateCreated&filter={name: {$in: ["sales", "marketing"]}}&skip=5&limit=10&formatting=plainText", "method": "GET", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
 NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests

import requests, json

headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };

url = "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v2/tasks"

requests.get(url, headers = headers)
    "items": [
            "access": {
                "inherits": false,
                "ownerPermissions": {
                    "deny": {
                        "Subtype": 2
                    "grant": {
                        "Subtype": 2
                "permissions": [
                        "grant": {
                            "Subtype": 2
                        "principalId": "string",
                        "principalKind": "string value"
            "accountId": "string value",
            "archived": false,
            "assignee": {
                "accountId": "string value",
                "avatar": "string value",
                "color": "string value",
                "dateDeactivated": "string value",
                "dynamicValueType": "string value",
                "email": "string value",
                "id": "string value",
                "isActive": false,
                "name": "string value",
                "picture": "string value",
                "tags": [
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                        "id": "string value",
                        "isActive": false,
                        "items": [
                                "createdBy": "string",
                                "dateCreated": "string value",
                                "id": "string value",
                                "isActive": false,
                                "items": [
                                        "createdBy": "ID",
                                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                                        "id": "string value",
                                        "isActive": false,
                                        "items": [
                                        "name": "string value",
                                        "title": "string value"
                                "name": "string value",
                                "title": "string value"
                        "name": "string value",
                        "title": "string value"
                "type": "string value"
            "createdById": "string value",
            "currentUserAllowedActions": [
                "string value 1",
                "string value 2"
            "dateCreated": "string value",
            "dateModified": "string value",
            "description": "string value",
            "dueDate": "string value",
            "externalId": "string value",
            "externalSystem": "string value",
            "id": "string value",
            "lastComment": {
                "createdById": "string value",
                "text": "string value"
            "modifiedById": "string value",
            "name": "string value",
            "ownerId": "string value",
            "parentId": "string value",
            "parentName": "string value",
            "parentType": "string value",
            "priority": 2,
            "sessionId": "string value",
            "snapshots": [
                    "id": "string value",
                    "modifiedAt": "string value",
                    "modifiedBy": "string value",
                    "newStatus": "string value",
                    "oldStatus": "string value",
                    "previouslyModifiedAt": "string value"
            "status": "string value",
            "taskType": "string value"
    "totalCount": 2
Gets a task by its unique identifier (id).
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the Quantive Results account.
expected in header, sample value:
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the task.
expected in path
formattingstringThe formatting used for the description and custom fields of type text area. By default returned as 'mentionsMarkup' (Ex: "@[Mariya Velikova:mariya@okrs.tech:602a65efc05575000123291b]"). Use 'plainText' if you need the response to be returned without markdown and special markup (Ex: "@Mariya Velikova").
expected in query, sample value:
Expected response codes
400bad request
402payment required
404not found
500internal server error

curl -X GET 'https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}?formatting=string' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \

var settings = { "url": "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}?formatting=string", "method": "GET", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
 NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests

import requests, json

headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };

url = "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}"

requests.get(url, headers = headers)
    "access": {
        "inherits": false,
        "ownerPermissions": {
            "deny": {
                "Subtype": 2
            "grant": {
                "Subtype": 2
        "permissions": [
                "grant": {
                    "Subtype": 2
                "principalId": "string",
                "principalKind": "string value"
    "accountId": "string value",
    "archived": false,
    "assignee": {
        "accountId": "string value",
        "avatar": "string value",
        "color": "string value",
        "dateDeactivated": "string value",
        "dynamicValueType": "string value",
        "email": "string value",
        "id": "string value",
        "isActive": false,
        "name": "string value",
        "picture": "string value",
        "tags": [
                "createdBy": "string",
                "dateCreated": "string value",
                "id": "string value",
                "isActive": false,
                "items": [
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                        "id": "string value",
                        "isActive": false,
                        "items": [
                                "createdBy": "string",
                                "dateCreated": "string value",
                                "id": "string value",
                                "isActive": false,
                                "items": [
                                        "createdBy": "ID",
                                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                                        "id": "string value",
                                        "isActive": false,
                                        "items": [
                                        "name": "string value",
                                        "title": "string value"
                                "name": "string value",
                                "title": "string value"
                        "name": "string value",
                        "title": "string value"
                "name": "string value",
                "title": "string value"
        "type": "string value"
    "createdById": "string value",
    "currentUserAllowedActions": [
        "string value 1",
        "string value 2"
    "dateCreated": "string value",
    "dateModified": "string value",
    "description": "string value",
    "dueDate": "string value",
    "externalId": "string value",
    "externalSystem": "string value",
    "id": "string value",
    "lastComment": {
        "createdById": "string value",
        "text": "string value"
    "modifiedById": "string value",
    "name": "string value",
    "ownerId": "string value",
    "parentId": "string value",
    "parentName": "string value",
    "parentType": "string value",
    "priority": 2,
    "sessionId": "string value",
    "snapshots": [
            "id": "string value",
            "modifiedAt": "string value",
            "modifiedBy": "string value",
            "newStatus": "string value",
            "oldStatus": "string value",
            "previouslyModifiedAt": "string value"
    "status": "string value",
    "taskType": "string value"
Creates a new task.
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the Quantive Results account.
expected in header, sample value:
objectThe object representing a task.
expected in body, sample value:
    "description": "string value",
    "dueDate": "2021-09-25",
    "flowName": "string value",
    "name": "Review OKRs Page",
    "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9",
    "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9",
    "parentType": "goal",
    "status": "todo"
Expected response codes
400bad request
402payment required
500internal server error

curl -X POST 'https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \
-d '{"description":"string value","dueDate":"2021-09-25","flowName":"string value","name":"Review OKRs Page","ownerId":"60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9","parentId":"60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9","parentType":"goal","status":"todo"}'

var body ={ "description": "string value", "dueDate": "2021-09-25", "flowName": "string value", "name": "Review OKRs Page", "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentType": "goal", "status": "todo" };

var settings = { "url": "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks", "method": "POST", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
"data": body
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
 NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests

import requests, json

headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };

url = "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks"

body = { "description": "string value", "dueDate": "2021-09-25", "flowName": "string value", "name": "Review OKRs Page", "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentType": "goal", "status": "todo" };

requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers = headers)
    "access": {
        "inherits": false,
        "ownerPermissions": {
            "deny": {
                "Subtype": 2
            "grant": {
                "Subtype": 2
        "permissions": [
                "grant": {
                    "Subtype": 2
                "principalId": "string",
                "principalKind": "string value"
    "accountId": "string value",
    "archived": false,
    "assignee": {
        "accountId": "string value",
        "avatar": "string value",
        "color": "string value",
        "dateDeactivated": "string value",
        "dynamicValueType": "string value",
        "email": "string value",
        "id": "string value",
        "isActive": false,
        "name": "string value",
        "picture": "string value",
        "tags": [
                "createdBy": "string",
                "dateCreated": "string value",
                "id": "string value",
                "isActive": false,
                "items": [
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                        "id": "string value",
                        "isActive": false,
                        "items": [
                                "createdBy": "string",
                                "dateCreated": "string value",
                                "id": "string value",
                                "isActive": false,
                                "items": [
                                        "createdBy": "ID",
                                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                                        "id": "string value",
                                        "isActive": false,
                                        "items": [
                                        "name": "string value",
                                        "title": "string value"
                                "name": "string value",
                                "title": "string value"
                        "name": "string value",
                        "title": "string value"
                "name": "string value",
                "title": "string value"
        "type": "string value"
    "createdById": "string value",
    "currentUserAllowedActions": [
        "string value 1",
        "string value 2"
    "dateCreated": "string value",
    "dateModified": "string value",
    "description": "string value",
    "dueDate": "string value",
    "externalId": "string value",
    "externalSystem": "string value",
    "id": "string value",
    "lastComment": {
        "createdById": "string value",
        "text": "string value"
    "modifiedById": "string value",
    "name": "string value",
    "ownerId": "string value",
    "parentId": "string value",
    "parentName": "string value",
    "parentType": "string value",
    "priority": 2,
    "sessionId": "string value",
    "snapshots": [
            "id": "string value",
            "modifiedAt": "string value",
            "modifiedBy": "string value",
            "newStatus": "string value",
            "oldStatus": "string value",
            "previouslyModifiedAt": "string value"
    "status": "string value",
    "taskType": "string value"
Partially updates an already existing task.
Updates the task's attributes that are specified in the task request body only.
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the Quantive Results account.
expected in header, sample value:
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the task.
expected in path
objectThe object representing a task.
expected in body, sample value:
    "archived": false,
    "description": "string value",
    "dueDate": "2021-09-26",
    "name": "Review OKRs Page",
    "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9",
    "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9",
    "parentType": "goal",
    "status": "todo"
Expected response codes
400bad request
402payment required
404not found
500internal server error

curl -X PATCH 'https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \
-d '{"archived":false,"description":"string value","dueDate":"2021-09-26","name":"Review OKRs Page","ownerId":"60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9","parentId":"60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9","parentType":"goal","status":"todo"}'

var body ={ "archived": false, "description": "string value", "dueDate": "2021-09-26", "name": "Review OKRs Page", "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentType": "goal", "status": "todo" };

var settings = { "url": "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}", "method": "PATCH", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
"data": body
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
 NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests

import requests, json

headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };

url = "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}"

body = { "archived": false, "description": "string value", "dueDate": "2021-09-26", "name": "Review OKRs Page", "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentType": "goal", "status": "todo" };

requests.patch(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers = headers)
    "items": [
            "access": {
                "inherits": false,
                "ownerPermissions": {
                    "deny": {
                        "Subtype": 2
                    "grant": {
                        "Subtype": 2
                "permissions": [
                        "grant": {
                            "Subtype": 2
                        "principalId": "string",
                        "principalKind": "string value"
            "accountId": "string value",
            "archived": false,
            "assignee": {
                "accountId": "string value",
                "avatar": "string value",
                "color": "string value",
                "dateDeactivated": "string value",
                "dynamicValueType": "string value",
                "email": "string value",
                "id": "string value",
                "isActive": false,
                "name": "string value",
                "picture": "string value",
                "tags": [
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                        "id": "string value",
                        "isActive": false,
                        "items": [
                                "createdBy": "string",
                                "dateCreated": "string value",
                                "id": "string value",
                                "isActive": false,
                                "items": [
                                        "createdBy": "ID",
                                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                                        "id": "string value",
                                        "isActive": false,
                                        "items": [
                                        "name": "string value",
                                        "title": "string value"
                                "name": "string value",
                                "title": "string value"
                        "name": "string value",
                        "title": "string value"
                "type": "string value"
            "createdById": "string value",
            "currentUserAllowedActions": [
                "string value 1",
                "string value 2"
            "dateCreated": "string value",
            "dateModified": "string value",
            "description": "string value",
            "dueDate": "string value",
            "externalId": "string value",
            "externalSystem": "string value",
            "id": "string value",
            "lastComment": {
                "createdById": "string value",
                "text": "string value"
            "modifiedById": "string value",
            "name": "string value",
            "ownerId": "string value",
            "parentId": "string value",
            "parentName": "string value",
            "parentType": "string value",
            "priority": 2,
            "sessionId": "string value",
            "snapshots": [
                    "id": "string value",
                    "modifiedAt": "string value",
                    "modifiedBy": "string value",
                    "newStatus": "string value",
                    "oldStatus": "string value",
                    "previouslyModifiedAt": "string value"
            "status": "string value",
            "taskType": "string value"
    "totalCount": 2
Partially updates an already existing task.
Updates the task's attributes that are specified in the task request body only.
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the Quantive Results account.
expected in header, sample value:
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the task.
expected in path
objectThe object representing a task.
expected in body, sample value:
    "archived": false,
    "description": "string value",
    "dueDate": "2021-09-26",
    "name": "Review OKRs Page",
    "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9",
    "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9",
    "parentType": "goal",
    "status": "todo"
Expected response codes
400bad request
402payment required
404not found
500internal server error

curl -X PATCH 'https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/status' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \
-d '{"archived":false,"description":"string value","dueDate":"2021-09-26","name":"Review OKRs Page","ownerId":"60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9","parentId":"60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9","parentType":"goal","status":"todo"}'

var body ={ "archived": false, "description": "string value", "dueDate": "2021-09-26", "name": "Review OKRs Page", "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentType": "goal", "status": "todo" };

var settings = { "url": "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/status", "method": "PATCH", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
"data": body
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
 NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests

import requests, json

headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };

url = "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}/status"

body = { "archived": false, "description": "string value", "dueDate": "2021-09-26", "name": "Review OKRs Page", "ownerId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentId": "60bdd988fc07e60001198ae9", "parentType": "goal", "status": "todo" };

requests.patch(url, data=json.dumps(body), headers = headers)
    "items": [
            "access": {
                "inherits": false,
                "ownerPermissions": {
                    "deny": {
                        "Subtype": 2
                    "grant": {
                        "Subtype": 2
                "permissions": [
                        "grant": {
                            "Subtype": 2
                        "principalId": "string",
                        "principalKind": "string value"
            "accountId": "string value",
            "archived": false,
            "assignee": {
                "accountId": "string value",
                "avatar": "string value",
                "color": "string value",
                "dateDeactivated": "string value",
                "dynamicValueType": "string value",
                "email": "string value",
                "id": "string value",
                "isActive": false,
                "name": "string value",
                "picture": "string value",
                "tags": [
                        "createdBy": "string",
                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                        "id": "string value",
                        "isActive": false,
                        "items": [
                                "createdBy": "string",
                                "dateCreated": "string value",
                                "id": "string value",
                                "isActive": false,
                                "items": [
                                        "createdBy": "ID",
                                        "dateCreated": "string value",
                                        "id": "string value",
                                        "isActive": false,
                                        "items": [
                                        "name": "string value",
                                        "title": "string value"
                                "name": "string value",
                                "title": "string value"
                        "name": "string value",
                        "title": "string value"
                "type": "string value"
            "createdById": "string value",
            "currentUserAllowedActions": [
                "string value 1",
                "string value 2"
            "dateCreated": "string value",
            "dateModified": "string value",
            "description": "string value",
            "dueDate": "string value",
            "externalId": "string value",
            "externalSystem": "string value",
            "id": "string value",
            "lastComment": {
                "createdById": "string value",
                "text": "string value"
            "modifiedById": "string value",
            "name": "string value",
            "ownerId": "string value",
            "parentId": "string value",
            "parentName": "string value",
            "parentType": "string value",
            "priority": 2,
            "sessionId": "string value",
            "snapshots": [
                    "id": "string value",
                    "modifiedAt": "string value",
                    "modifiedBy": "string value",
                    "newStatus": "string value",
                    "oldStatus": "string value",
                    "previouslyModifiedAt": "string value"
            "status": "string value",
            "taskType": "string value"
    "totalCount": 2
Deletes a task in the current Quantive Results account.
No request object required.
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the Quantive Results account.
expected in header, sample value:
stringSpecifies the unique identifier (id) of the task.
expected in path
Expected response codes
204no content
400bad request
402payment required
500internal server error

curl -X DELETE 'https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer {token}' \
-H 'gtmhub-accountId: 5be26318e5274a0007f17f61' \

var settings = { "url": "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}", "method": "DELETE", "timeout": 0, "headers": { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer {token}",
"gtmhub-accountId": "5be26318e5274a0007f17f61",
}; $.ajax(settings).done(function (response) { console.log(response); });
 NOTE: You must install the module requests.
In a terminal window do: pip install requests

import requests, json

headers = { "Authorization" : "Bearer {token}", "gtmhub-accountId" : "{accountId}", "Content-Type" : "application/json" };

url = "https://app.quantive.com/results/api/v1/tasks/{taskId}"

requests.delete(url, headers = headers)